Support Us

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Friends and Foundation of the Northfield Public Library. Your support can be expressed in one or more ways:


You may become a member online or, if you prefer, you may fill out and send by mail our membership form. Please mail the form and your check to:

Friends and Foundation 

of the Northfield Public Library

210 Washington Street

Northfield, MN 55057

Annual memberships start at $10 for students and seniors, $15 for individuals, $25 for families of any size, $50 for businesses, and $10/month or $120 for sustaining members.


100% of all donations are used to support library programs, services and resources. The Friends gladly accept donations in any amount from $1 to $1M.  Donations can be given in honor of someone's birthday or anniversary or in memory of a cherished person. Donations to the FFNPL make wonderful holiday gifts too, and they are tax deductible! 

Donate online, find us on Venmo (@FFNPL), or mail your donation to:

Friends and Foundation 

of the Northfield Public Library

210 Washington Street

Northfield, MN 55057

And thank you!

Planned Giving

You may wish to include the Friends and Foundation's endowment fund in your estate planning.  The endowment fund is managed by the MN Philanthropy Partners and ensures that support for our library will continue in perpetuity.

Consult with your estate planner and contact the Friends and Foundation, so that we may acknowledge your long term gift to the library.

For more information, contact:

Friends and Foundation 

of the Northfield Public Library

210 Washington Street

Northfield, MN 55057


Friends make great volunteers! They help the library staff with programs and services, such as home delivery of reading and listening materials, shelving materials at the library, assisting with digital technology, mending early literacy center toys, hosting special event, etc. 

If you have an hour or more each week, once a month, or just occasionally, contact Volunteer Coordinator Amy Commers at the library or call 645-6606 and ask for Amy.