Who We Are
Board of Directors / Friends and Foundation of Northfield Public Library
Gary Miessler, Chair
Bill North, Vice Chair
Wiebke Kuhn, Treasurer
Mary Steen, Secretary
Bridget Drexler
Joan Ennis
Bob Hauck
Kaethe Schwehn
Lois Stratmoen
Kathy Taranto
Pam Tidona
Staff Liaison:
Steve Maus
Youth on Boards Representative:
Lola McCarthy
Fletcher Aylin
The mission of the Friends board is to raise awareness of and advocate for the Northfield Public Library, ensure financial support for the library and steward the Friends' funds, inform the community about library programs and services, and initiate activities and events to complement library programs.
We are a working board, meaning that we pitch in when and where needed to support the Friends and the library. Given the number of board members and Friends at large, the work is shared by many. We have fun together and appreciate the diverse talents that board members bring to meetings and to our activities and events.
The Board of Directors usually meets the second Monday of every month, 7-8:30 PM at the library.
Board positions are currently open. Anyone who is interested in serving on the board should contact a current board members.